A dictionary in your terminal

Owning to my poor vocabulary I had to look up for meanings every now and then, the following script gets you the meaning for any word from dictionary.com using bash.

A bash script dictionary

dict() {

#Creating a temp folder 

#Check for the existence if not create one
[[ -d $dir ]] || mkdir $dir

#download respective file from dictionary dot com 
# -q => do it quietly ie nothing @ screen 
# -O save it as mean
wget -q -O $dir/mean wget http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/$1

#Please DONT hardcode the value, give it to variable

#greping out result
m=$(cat $file | grep description | grep -o 'content=.*.*See more' | grep -o '\,.*.\.')

#saving the error code 
k=$(echo $?)

echo "Meaning of the word "$1" is"$m

#checks if the word was actually available else throws an error
if [[ $k -gt 0 ]]; 
    echo ".........oops, cant find word "$1;

A function to pronounce a word

#A very simple pronunciation tool l

#Creating a temp folder

#Check for the existence if not create one
[[ -d $dir ]] || mkdir $dir

#download respective file from dictionary dot com
# -q => do it quietly ie nothing @ screen
# -O save it as mean
wget -q -O $dir/pron http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/$1

#Please DONT hardcode the value, give it to variable and then use it

#greping out result
m=$(cat $file | grep -o '//upload.*.ogg' | grep -v type)

#saving the error code
k=$(echo $?)

#download the file
wget -q -O $dir/$1.ogg http:$m


#while loop
while [[ $ans =~ [yY].* ]]
    #mplayer is one of the default audio player in linux
    mplayer $dir/$1.ogg
    echo "do you want me to play it again [y] / [n] ?"
    #read user input
    read ans

#remove the file from temp folder
rm $dir/$1.ogg

#checks if the word was actually available else throws an error
if [[ $k -gt 0 ]];
    echo ".........oops, cant find word "$1;

echo -e "\n Exitting ...\n"

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